my Story

Who am I

In a “nutshell”. . .

I’m over 50 years old and have been “side hustling” information products for quite some time.

My first attempt at making money with an information product was in 1988. That product was a one page (sheet of paper) document that explained how an average Joe with no special license, permit or unique tools could send a letter first class for 6 cents!

To place that into perspective at the time a first-class stamp was right around 25 cents.

The one-page document sold for $19.99.

I placed ads in newspaper classifieds and sold a few hundred copies of the document. I stopped because I made no money.

Yes, the product only cost about 25 cents to produce, and it sold for 20 bucks, but I did not make money. This is where I learned the lesson about cost of ads and the concept of front end and back-end sales.

It was a lot of effort and cost to learn these lessons but back then information about how to be in the information business was not readily available.

Since that time, I have participated in numerous infopreneur endeavors and learned many things.

What I have decided to do is share my lessons learned on this blog and at the same time market/ promote products that may help you be successful as an infopreneur.