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If you’d like to contact me, work together, or just say hi, email me at

What I Talk About

In summary the site is dedicated to taking knowledge and bunding it up into a package that can help move someone toward their goal.

The Infopreneur’s Toolkit

Infopreneurs use a number of tools to get to the goal!

Market Research – Just because you know something doesn’t mean someone else wants to know it.  Make sure you find out if someone wants to know.  The way you do this is through market research. Find out if there are enough people interested in the subject before you start creating.

Online Presence – Once you have figured out if people want the info you have to offer you need to establish a platform. The three most common items you’ll need to create is a website, active social media profile, and an email list for communication.

Content Creation – Now that you have set up the tools to create your presence you need to create content.  The total purpose of the content must be to help people get to their goal. 

Digital Marketing – You have info people want, a place to showcase and some inventory (information). Ok, it’s time to tell the world. But not everyone in the world just the people that are most likely to be your audience. 

Sales Funnel – Fantastic! People are coming to your platform. It’s time to make money by directing them down the growth path of knowledge development and the development of your income!